Update Table (7d)

Showing player updates for Kaiserbruno
(NOW) 3:01:40 pm
2/3/2025 2:57:10 pm+1.4m+1.1m+25.4k000+150+208.2k+124+389+10000+1.1k+18600+120+28+2500+990+300+9.6k
1/30/2025 11:40:05 am+5.1k000000+5.1k0000000000000000
1/30/2025 7:04:01 am000000000000000000000000
Showing data for last 7d
earliest: 4d 7h 57m 39s ago
Data expiring: 2d 16h 2m 21s
Last check: 4m 30s ago 
Last change: 4m 30s ago
Datapoints in timeframe: 3
Time period
Overall records
6 hours: 638,909
day: 1,487,561
week: 9,848,679
month: 40,182,609
year: 380,949,749
calendar year: 296,398,265
trackupdate table
player statshiscore page
bossesfetch old data
skilling pet metaboss update table
EHP: 3,575.44
Data points: 142
First tracked: february 26th, 2023 at 03:57:28 pm
Account type: Normal
virtual scores
200m count: 3 (#91)
Buyable xp: 216,893,000 (#186)
Combat xp: 861,327,492 (#68)
Gathering xp: 143,294,095 (#113)
Highest skill rank: (#430)
Highest minigame rank: (#1,663)
Lowest skill: (#63)
Melee xp: 535,569,172 (#69)
Rank sum: 218,530 (#213)
Recent achievements
 126,000 All Bosses kill count
 1,000 Theatre of Blood kill count
 75,000,000 Attack xp
 900 Theatre of Blood kill count
 70,000,000 Attack xp
 Set record: Rank 1 duke sucellus calendar year
 Set record: Rank 1 duke sucellus year
 11,500 Duke Sucellus kill count
 500 Vardorvis kill count
 Set record: Rank 1 duke sucellus year
 Set record: Rank 1 duke sucellus calendar year
 125,000 All Bosses kill count
 11,000 Duke Sucellus kill count
 800 Theatre of Blood kill count
 65,000,000 Attack xp