Skilling Pet Meta

A page for showing how much progress (xp) you have made since specific skilling pet release dates
PetSkill Trained By Obtaining PetRelease dateXP Gained Since Release
 Baby chinchompanovember 5th, 2015+2,602,518
 Beavernovember 5th, 2015+821
 Giant squirrelseptember 1st, 2016+3,776,345
 Herbiseptember 7th, 2017+2,602,518
 Heronnovember 5th, 2015+689,038
 Phoenixseptember 8th, 2016+645,082
 Rift guardianseptember 1st, 2016+0
 Rock golemnovember 5th, 2015+3,488,113
 Rockyseptember 1st, 2016+4,763,491
 Smolcanojuly 25th, 2019+3,488,113
 Tanglerootseptember 1st, 2016+13,717,480
 Tiny Tempormarch 24th, 2021+689,038
Showing data for last 7d
earliest: 7d 0s ago
Data expiring:
Last check: 12d 18h 3m 44s ago 
Last change: 12d 18h 3m 44s ago
Datapoints in timeframe: 0
Time period
Overall records
6 hours: 9,625
day: 872,815
week: 4,100,633
month: 20,572,996
year: 125,167,408
calendar year: 108,435,805
trackupdate table
player statshiscore page
bossesfetch old data
skilling pet metaboss update table
EHP: 914.66
Data points: 113
First tracked: february 27th, 2023 at 11:51:17 pm
Account type: Normal
virtual scores
200m count: 0 (#1,742)
Buyable xp: 78,805,053 (#1,417)
Combat xp: 196,305,328 (#829)
Gathering xp: 13,258,383 (#2,378)
Highest skill rank: (#2,997)
Highest minigame rank: (#1,672)
Lowest skill: (#2,207)
Melee xp: 119,078,657 (#785)
Rank sum: 6,581,004 (#2,350)
Recent achievements
 100 Tombs of Amascut Expert Mode kill count
 2,000 Vardorvis kill count
 Set record: Rank 17 vardorvis month
 Set record: Rank 14 vardorvis week
 200 Theatre of Blood kill count
 100 TzKal_Zuk kill count
 2,000 Venenatis kill count
 500 Wintertodt kill count
 Set record: Rank 15 phantom muspah year
 25,000,000 Magic xp
 300,000,000 Overall xp
 Set record: Rank 25 vardorvis year
 Set record: Rank 24 vardorvis year
 35,000,000 Strength xp
 15,000 All Bosses kill count