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Showing data for last 7d
earliest: 6d 12h 48m 33s ago
Data expiring: 11h 11m 27s
Last check: 20h 56m 16s ago 
Last change: 20h 56m 16s ago
Datapoints in timeframe: 6
Time period
Overall records
6 hours: 545,538
day: 6,219,772
week: 31,798,651
month: 141,205,231
year: 1,082,111,152
calendar year: 994,718,530
trackupdate table
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EHP: 8,687.43
Data points: 198
First tracked: september 9th, 2022 at 11:44:17 am
Account type: Normal
virtual scores
200m count: 8 (#41)
Buyable xp: 797,509,468 (#58)
Combat xp: 1,158,357,849 (#33)
Gathering xp: 358,347,291 (#46)
Highest skill rank: (#1,755)
Highest minigame rank: (#1,207)
Lowest skill: (#31)
Melee xp: 698,461,807 (#42)
Rank sum: 37,471 (#70)
Recent achievements
 Set record: Rank 4 overall year
 Set record: Rank 3 attack year
 Set record: Rank 16 prayer year
 Set record: Rank 13 fletching week
 Set record: Rank 19 runecrafting week
 65,000,000 Fletching xp
 55,000,000 Runecrafting xp
 Set record: Rank 4 overall year
 Set record: Rank 3 attack year
 Set record: Rank 16 prayer year
 150,000,000 Attack xp
 60,000,000 Fletching xp
 Set record: Rank 3 attack year
 Set record: Rank 16 prayer year
 200 Hespori kill count