Update Table (7d)

Showing player updates for regicide v1
(NOW) 7:04:40 pm
7/3/2024 2:37:00 pm+21.6k00+1.2k+403+120+30000000000000+19.9k000
7/3/2024 12:40:53 pm+9.6m+405+300+1.9m+1.7m+1.2m+20k+1m+150.9k+14.6k0+101k0+585.6k+1.6m+14.2k+18.1k+188+528.8k+505.6k+38.7k00+400
regicide v1update
showing data for last 7d
earliest: 6h 23m 47s ago
data expiring: 6d 17h 36m 13s
last check: 4h 27m 40s ago 
last change: 4h 27m 40s ago
datapoints in timeframe: 2
time period
overall records
6 hours: 21,637
day: 21,637
week: 7,941,114
month: 25,346,561
year: 56,585,447
calendar year: 56,585,447
trackupdate table
player statshiscore page
bossesfetch old data
skilling pet metaboss update table
ehp: 395.78
data points: 10
first tracked: february 2nd, 2024 at 04:02:15 am
account type: Ironman
virtual scores
200m count: 0 (#3,130)
buyable xp: 26,063,140 (#2,482)
combat xp: 29,771,045 (#2,766)
gathering xp: 12,307,703 (#1,985)
highest skill rank: (#402)
highest minigame rank: (#3,113)
lowest skill: (#2,049)
melee xp: 15,505,762 (#2,821)
rank sum: 2,265,691 (#1,065)
recent achievements
 600 the corrupted gauntlet kill count
 200 the corrupted gauntlet kill count