Skilling Pet Meta

A page for showing how much progress (xp) you have made since specific skilling pet release dates
PetSkill Trained By Obtaining PetRelease dateXP Gained Since Release
 Baby chinchompanovember 5th, 2015+1,565,421
 Beavernovember 5th, 2015+2,142,038
 Giant squirrelseptember 1st, 2016+3,265,480
 Herbiseptember 7th, 2017+1,565,421
 Heronnovember 5th, 2015+4,192,473
 Phoenixseptember 8th, 2016+3,892,228
 Rift guardianseptember 1st, 2016+601,568
 Rock golemnovember 5th, 2015+6,519,587
 Rockyseptember 1st, 2016+2,193,983
 Smolcanojuly 25th, 2019+6,519,587
 Tanglerootseptember 1st, 2016+10,034,635
 Tiny Tempormarch 24th, 2021+4,192,473
Rav eupdate
Showing data for last 7d
earliest: 4d 17h 37m 19s ago
Data expiring: 2d 6h 22m 41s
Last check: 8h 42m 39s ago 
Last change: 8h 42m 39s ago
Datapoints in timeframe: 4
Time period
Overall records
6 hours: 0
day: 0
week: 3,804,151
month: 14,254,454
year: 122,266,948
calendar year: 116,216,653
trackupdate table
player statshiscore page
bossesfetch old data
skilling pet metaboss update table
EHP: 1,733.73
Data points: 57
First tracked: october 14th, 2023 at 02:38:26 pm
Account type: Ironman
virtual scores
200m count: 0 (#2,548)
Buyable xp: 160,677,040 (#276)
Combat xp: 272,988,769 (#504)
Gathering xp: 60,732,375 (#429)
Highest skill rank: (#228)
Highest minigame rank: (#2,512)
Lowest skill: (#112)
Melee xp: 148,662,755 (#581)
Rank sum: 160,703 (#161)
Recent achievements
 16,000 All Bosses kill count
 1,000 Calvarion kill count
 1,300 Chambers of Xeric kill count
 40,000,000 Strength xp
 65,000,000 Hitpoints xp
 15,000,000 Smithing xp
 15,000,000 Hunter xp
 15,000,000 Construction xp
 500 Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode kill count
 80,000,000 Ranged xp
 14,000 All Bosses kill count
 13,000 All Bosses kill count
 500,000,000 Overall xp
 60,000,000 Hitpoints xp
 75,000,000 Ranged xp