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Showing data for last 7d
earliest: 6d 8h 49m 48s ago
Data expiring: 15h 10m 11s
Last check: 3d 19h 47m 24s ago 
Last change: 3d 19h 47m 25s ago
Datapoints in timeframe: 4
Time period
Overall records
6 hours: 886,828
day: 2,750,757
week: 21,125,080
month: 42,743,918
year: 171,370,978
calendar year: 160,445,539
trackupdate table
player statshiscore page
bossesfetch old data
skilling pet metaboss update table
EHP: 7,113.86
Data points: 2,067
First tracked: june 9th, 2020 at 04:28:38 am
Account type: Normal
virtual scores
200m count: 3 (#80)
Buyable xp: 402,938,055 (#101)
Combat xp: 246,416,430 (#590)
Gathering xp: 551,588,256 (#29)
Highest skill rank: (#3,894)
Highest minigame rank: (#26)
Lowest skill: (#287)
Melee xp: 198,234,371 (#372)
Rank sum: 1,189,516 (#729)
Recent achievements
 1,000 Cerberus kill count
 1,500 Chambers of Xeric kill count
 20 Sol Heredit kill count
 110,000,000 Farming xp
 30,000,000 Hunter xp
 25,000,000 Hunter xp
 Set record: Rank 8 mining calendar year
 Set record: Rank 24 firemaking calendar year
 Set record: Rank 8 mining calendar year
 Set record: Rank 20 firemaking month
 160,000,000 Firemaking xp
 105,000,000 Farming xp
 Set record: Rank 25 firemaking calendar year
 Set record: Rank 8 mining calendar year
 Set record: Rank 5 firemaking week